
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Ex Potentia

I have just slept from 1700 to 2200 and I'm still exhausted. Yes, I've been tired this week but that's no excuse for this deluge of idiocy. A mistake is acceptable, a compounded error like that is not. It reeks of stupidity.

Added a few bindkeys to ~/.screenrc. I wanted to bind to Page Up/Down instead of using it as a bindkey but I couldn't work out how to do it :/

bind > resize +10
bindkey ^[[5;5~ resize +1 #Ctrl-Pg_Up
bind < resize -10
bindkey ^[[6;5~ resize -1 #Ctrl-Pg_Down
bindkey -k f* resize = #Keypad *
bindkey -k k7 prev #F7
bindkey -k k8 next #F8
bindkey -k k9 windows #F9
bindkey -k F2 windowlist #F12

...and a command class (^A # = 1-9, ^A - # = 10-19, ^A - - # = 20-29, etc.) like '040126' in Sven's config.