
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



#ipv6 ninja_ H 0 ~im10ninja@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:3fab ["pirate robot ninja"]
#ipv6 integor_ H 0 ~empty@2001:7d0:0:f556:feed:face:c0ff:ee [My Name]
#ipv6 djay H 0 djay@2001:770:115:0:9898:baff:feae:defa [FENOY Gérald]
#ipv6 heidaro G 0 heidaro@shadowness.org [Natalie Portman]
#ipv6 notsasuke H 0 doneill@2001:470:1f01:178:9:0:0:4 [Sasuke Uchiha]
#ipv6 lailai H 0 ~jvilla@2001:720:1210:e:2b0:d0ff:fef3:5e41 [jvilla]
#ipv6 xdsg H 0 ~xsdg@3ffe:2900:2002:f00d:20e:a6ff:fe8f:3b0 [xsdg]
#ipv6 question H 0 ~jack@2001:8e0:abcd:276:f000:f000:f000:f000 [Jack]
#ipv6 flying H 0 ~liviu@2001:618:400:f883:0:0:0:2 [Liviu Danicel]

Of all the cool ipv6 kids without reverse dns (and Natalie Portman), I'm the lamest.

I could get a /48 prefix off of freenet6 but, since I'm tunneling through NAT at the (non-ipv6) router, there's not much point.

Possibly I will get an ISA nic for stone (OpenBSD box) so it can server as a router/firewall. My humble home network will look like -> DG834G [1] > (wan|stone -> switch -> (fire|*)). ipv6 would be tunneled to stone and then I could use the shiny /48 for anything else except wi-fi (unless I routed wireless traffic to stone as well...).

All idle musing right now. I want to get a laptop, ideally a tibook...but they're rather highly sought. I may have to settle for an old clamshell iBook. Or I could just get some random x86 laptop. I also want to pick up an old box to play with SELinux on, or maybe TrustedBSD.

[1] Issues do not seem to affect >1.0.4

Update: Ordered an ISA nic for stone. Will probably try to pick up a SGI machine next :) Laptops are too expensive...especially ppc...especially ti-books :(