
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


In short...

Incredibles: Incredible; Napoleon Dynamite: Shite.

The Incredibles is a fantastic action movie enjoyable for kids of all ages. There's a lot of adult (mature, not XXX) humour but the kids love it too. The animation and effects are great. With Toy Story 1 level CG, such a film would have been laughable. Now everything from water to lava is rendered beautifully. The writing is good throughout and the voice acting is well done. It's another Pixar winner! 10/10 from me, probably one of the best films I've seen this year :)

Dynamite is awful. I thought it was going to be bad when I saw the MTV logo in the credits. Essentially, the film follows the eponoymous lead and his freakish family life. A reviewer described it as a high-school film about geeks. It's not. It's a very dry comedy about a high-school freakshow, his 32 year old brother who lives at home, and his wannabe pro-footballer uncle who chases get rich quick schemes. None of them are geeks or nerds (his uncle buys a time machine off of the internet trying to get back to 1982...), just losers. There are no jokes in this film, no witty dialogue, just a series of cringeworthy situations with all these hilariously deranged characters. God I want to chew off my own hand.

In other news, I think I've solved my quake3 addiction through a combination of tiredness, anti-depressants, vodka, and being shit. Which leaves me more free time to practice lock-picking and play with networking (plan9 here i come!).