
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Very, very good, but it's an acquired taste.

To address some of the criticism: It's ultraviolent. If you dislike hyper-real graphic violence, you'll hate this. Even more, if you are ambivalent towards on-screen violence, you'll probably hate this as well. It is hard, nasty, and comic book in its intensity. You have to like this type of thing or else you'll undoubtedly hate the movie.

It's not racist. Sorry, but just because it's based on the Greco-Persian war does not mean that it has any significance on the current Arabic political situation. Yes, Persians are portrayed as sub-human beasts. No, that does not translate to overt racism against Arabian people. Although, I can certainly see how this could be offensive.

It's an action movie so of course there is a level of homoeroticism. More so than normal, what with the heavily pumped Spartans being half-naked throughout the movie. To call it 'camp' is a bit of a stretch, however.

Whatever, I'm dumb, white, and have a penis. I like it a lot. A lot of the film seems to be true to the comic book. For me that's a good thing, for others, I guess it's not.

Why do I like it? It's a simple tale of Greek heroism. Stunningly portrayed, I might add. It's not the best story in the world but it's far from the worst.