
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



No, I don't think I have some false sense of entitlement. I just expect to not always lose. I expect to sometimes get set over set IN MY FAVOUR (I do, but...I can't recall the last time). I expect to sometimes get overpair v. set and suckout when behind (UH, maybe I don't B3B all-in on 257r boards enough...but I do get in against sets occasionally, and I HONESTLY can't recall when I've sucked out against one). But no, it's all one way. I know I'm harping on about it but it's been one way for six months now, and I'm sick of it.

What makes it more one way is that people refuse to fold worse hands. EVER.

I think I've gone over this before: I can't make people fold worse hands, if I have a better hand I either get sucked out on or make a bad fold, and I run into monsters when I do get to showdown. But, hey, once a month for 30 minutes, things go 'as expected'. That makes everything worthwhile, though, right? Right?

Uh, no. I play poker to make money. Having fun is not a consideration. I have no fun playing poker. None at all. It's gratifying to win a hand/pot. It's rewarding to play well and get rewarded. But that happens so infrequently that it's inconsequential. So the goal is to actually make money. But, for aforementioned reasons, that is beyond me.

IDK, all I want to do is scream FUCK over and over again. I am just so frustrated. Yeah, yeah, results orientation. WTF am I supposed to care about over tens of thousands of hands? Did I play this hand where I lost 100BB optimally? Why yes, isn't that helpful. In fact, I did that several times...and lost everytime. EXCELLENT, WELL DONE. I fully admit to making mistakes, plenty of them.

Today, with 44 on KQ4r facing a downie bet. I thought, he wants me to raise. PSR & call a push commits me...when I've never good. Don't like calling & c/r turn. Don't like calling & donking turn. Of all available options, calling and c/pushing turn is best. I see that in hindsight. It's all a lot of masturbation, however, since I AM LOSING THE FUCKING HAND ANYWAY. That way just wins more if he has AK/AA/JJ. UM, 22 on 257r. I got money in good, & lose obv. Nothing to say. 45s...3rd barrel is IDK, considering he's calling my turn bet with JT on A9J8, maybe good. MAYBE FUCKING TERRIBLE since the river hit him, even if it's not the flush. Even if he doesn't have a ten, he might have two pair. The AKs...I swear that guy had QQ. It's most likely given his downie bets OOP and the fact that I have AKs. Thank god I didn't try getting it in PF.

So I did learn something today: If you can't fold (e.g. a set), take the most optimal line against the part of villain's range that you beat...even if you suspect it doesn't matter. The overbet push is terrible...it probably folds AK/AA...and I get no value from JJ/TT if they bluff again. And, no, "Well, fuckit, I have bottomset, he's probably got an overset, let's do it, all-in" on KQxr is a terrible attitude. It's a losing attitude. I fully expected to lose if called but I did it anyway...so I turned my bottomset into a bluff. I mean, maybe if I had the image of a maniac but I didn't.

Sigh, all this stress over set over set. The 3 barrel is probably more interesting. IDK. Sent all hands to Josh so we'll see what he thinks. I'm sure he'll agree that the 44 hand was terrible.

Also, I think he may criticize my turn/river bet sizing again. Perhaps if I increase this to closer to pot, I will get less calls? Doubt it but w/e.