
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Double or nothing

Doubled my winrate today. When it's negative and way too high, that's not a good thing. How'd I double it, you ask? I turned a set. Yep, that will do it. What'd I lose to this time? Oh, 2 outer on the river, obviously. I call with JJ because, well, they only have set value (IMO). Qxx flop. No set? I c/f. He checks. Turn J, second club, UHOHS, TIME TO STACK OFF. I bet, he raises, I 3bet, he calls. Ace on the river, whatever, I'm not folding in this pot with this stack left. Push, hope he rivered twopair. AA FTW. Doesn't matter, I thought he might have had QQ anyway. Haha.

So called premium pairs = overcard flops. Watch TPNK take it down when I bluff/pay off perceived induced bluff when I don't.

Flop TP2K on monotone flop. Take a passive line representing the NFD to maximise against his weaker made hands/bluffs, turn trips, call river. Flopped baby flush. Oh, well, good for you sir.

Basically everything I did was wrong today. Open folding 90% of the flops would have been better.

Don't know why I run so nitty, either. I mean, I open pretty weak in LP when possible. Situations where I don't think it's possible: Calling station SS or two has limped, TAG/LAG has raised. I mean, yeah, I'm calling with some 'speculative' hands some of the time but it seems I need to be calling/3betting more OOP which...just seems retarded. Or calling with dominated hands...which also seems retarded.

Am I really supposed to be defending (by calling or raising) with AJo in the SB/BB to 'average' CO/BTN steals? I guess so. Although, as soon as they call, my hand is total trash unless they're playing strictly fit or fold. If I flop an Ace, am I supposed to be stacking off? I don't get it.