
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Broke my self-imposed poker break today. Good starting hands...Uh. No action when ahead. Could have C/R AK all-in on flops and tried sucking out 6 outs. Made a flushdraw OOP...river 4flushed, because, you know, why the hell not?

Watch a few other TAGs sit down: KK > QQ, make a straight, flop a gutshot+FD+overs & suck out on top-two. Shocking that you run at 14BB. Oh, look, KK raise, one call at best, c/f the flop. 2xo the rest of the time, fold. Loosen up? Okay, J5o all-in.

44 UTG, SB 3bets, tiny stack in the BB folds. He has to have JJ+ here so I call. Ksx4s, SB makes standard cbet, I pushoo (because it's my duty to pay off oversets). He folds. If he folded AK/AA there, very nice. Doubt it, though, more like QQ and the King killed my action.

Watched Brian's PLO vid from...Saturday or whatever. Interesting. His 3 street bluff didn't work out so good but yeah, he has a very tough time calling with marginal hands, even trips-King kicker. Uh, QQxx (iirc), overpair+FD in against KKxx, overpair+FD was nasty. Obviously, Brian knows what he's doing, decent starting hand selection, etc, etc. But even he didn't so well that session. Surprised he didn't mention the guy on his left who only minraised PF.

Entourage.314: Ari Gold is my hero too. Funny that there are so many Jews on the show. I'm not anti-Semitic, I guess it's illustrative of Hollywood...just like Lloyd (lol). It's just weird that they seem to make such a big deal of it. Not a lot of bla^Wafric^W...er? Um, coloured (?!) people on the show...which is slightly odd, no? Nor latinos...Is LA really like that? Full of beautiful but above-all, white people? Not that it bothers me (I don't find black chicks hot), it's just odd. Whatever, decent episode. Eric is such a penis...yet he get's to tap chicks far too hot for him.