
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Downloaded some HD trailers. 1080p is pretty sick. Day Watch & 28 Weeks Later look good (well, the action in DW looks hot, wasn't too impressed with NW). Resident Evil...meh. I love(d) Milla but she's getting old and most of the films she's in are solid B's. UV was forgettable, can't remember what I said at the time but it's like an extended MTV flick.

"But how much did you lose?" $0. Rock! The winning move is NOT TO FUCKING PLAY. 2 more lessons and I'm probably donzo. Which means I need to get some rope & drugs for my exit strategy. Unfortunately, however, I'm not that depressed!? Partially because I'm not forcing myself to play poker right now. But, basically, it is time to go. I need a lot of money to salvage anything out of the rest of my life and I'm unlikely to ever get it. Sure, I could keep on keeping on but, as a nihlist, I don't see much point in living anyway and if it's no fun whatsoever...

Wee. Loss of sync #240...241...

Probably go with Ket as my pain relief. Oh, and I figure I might as well busto my bankroll totally before I go. So maybe I've longer left than 2 lessons. It's not like I can take it with me so get rich or die trying. gg.