
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



So...I'm on a break from poker. Spent evening chilling out and writing a dumb sql query...that's actually turned out to be a lot harder than I realised. Partially because I had a huge amount of glare on my laptop. White wall by my deck + windows...then my laptop battery died at 40%. Processing the results with perl would have been oh so much easier/quicker. Basically so far I have a sub-query with a load of JOINs and bunch of RE pattern matching against the raw HH going on. For some reason the RE weren't working as expected...but I plonked in the (?n) newline-sensitive tag and it...did. Also, went_to_showdown_n doesn't mean what you think it means...(AKA, PT's HH parsing isn't perfect).

So, yeah, I should end up with a super-duper query that shows how sets are doing (UH, BADLY). I may graph them for bonus points. This is pretty much mental masturbation but it's not without utility & I can extend it...to see how often I get overflushed! Partially kidding. But there seems to be a lot of cool things I could do here. The most obvious one is 3betting. Although...since I am no longer storing observed HHs, that's of limited utility (which is fine, because before storing the HHs provided zero benefit).

I've gotten a few weird emails thanking me for my webcomics. Great...So I googled.

Found someone who's willing to coach smartNIT for $40 an hour. I may do that instead of 3bet. I mean, I like Josh, but...results, results, results. 3bet coaching has done nothing for me results wise. So even if this cheaper coaching is a complete waste of time, it doesn't actually matter.