
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.




Yawnaments. A few hands later, flop is Q9xdd and I have 99 again. Villain raised PF and c/r all-in with AQ. Doesn't runner-runner this time. Great, I (well, FT) double him up and then take it back. Why is everything so goddamn hard?

Played meek/weak, actually won some hands. SB LRRs me and I have AQo. I have been folding here but the last time I got shown 66 so I call, even though I hate being dominated. Flop is Axxss. He leads, I call. Turn goes check/check. He checks again on river so MHIG, I bet, he folds. Flop the nuts with AQ. Donk c/c's two, folds river PSB. Put him on a hand? Qx/Ax drawing for a split. Josh berated me for checking behind the 2nd nut flush on a paired board. So I'm trying to valuebet more, even if I don't think they can call.

Watching Next. Yes, Jessica Biel is worth dying for...