
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Moved databases off of stone (233MHz AMD monster with 24MB of RAM) onto fire (2.2GHz AMD with 2GB of RAM). Surprisingly, it makes a difference...

Which is nice because before SixthSense took forever to score tables. More importantly, however, PAHUD was just not working at all. Which meant the only statistics I could glean were those that SixthSense had cached. Those, observational reads, & notes are all I've had to work with recently.

Called in sick. Not really ill, just didn't want to go. Excuse: Strained my neck pulling a network card. Pain prevented me from sleeping. Please feel free to use this one (although, it's not one you can use every month).

Work called me back. "Oh, two others are off sick...if you're feeling better, could you come in later? It would be appreciated." UH, no. 1) Appreciated? That and a dollar fifty gets me a cup of coffee. 2) If I were to go in, it's as good as admitting that there's nothing wrong with me. There is no way for me to legitimately claim illness and then merrily show up in the afternoon. Especially since my claim is to have had no sleep. 3) Get one of the other fucks who are bunking to come in. I'm sure they'll fall over themselves for the appreciation.

Watching TNG 518. Tim Russ and what looks like Major whatever from DS9 in bit parts as terrorists, interesting.

WHOA, good job I did pull a sicky. Went through mail, found suspension of service letter from ISP scheduled for tomorrow. Fortunately, I was able to put that off by ringing them up and saying I never received the first letter. 14 days now. Request MAC...either today, or tomorrow and get the fuck out of there.