
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



UHHHH. (Kylie.)

...WELL! That's a pretty severe exclamation. Yeah, old picture but dear Eris.

Played some hands. Flopped nut flush, all-in against set on the turn, no pair for you! Flopped set, 2p2 c/c two streets OOP and pushes flush river. A shame it paired the board, numbnuts. I was a little concerned about top-two overboating me, but I don't think he c/c's twice on a wet flop with that hand. I guess his plan was to push any river? God knows but I don't like his play.

My bad play...I flop a FD with QTs on J high flop, limper calls. Turn a Queen, I bet again. Limper pushes, I'm only getting 2.5 to 1 but I call. He surprises me with KK, I thought I was either in really bad shape to two-pair+ (QJ esp) or far ahead. I was happy to see a one pair hand since I had 14+ outs (can't remember if I had a SD as well). Still, not a good call. I need 3+ to 1 I think. Maybe I'm getting these pot odds calculations wrong as well.

Another hand: I raise T9s OTB or CO. Two many callers but I have position, all check to me. Flop is 9xxcc. I bet my TP since it's likely good. 40/16 guy c/c. Turn is nothing but not a club. Well, I can either bet here and fold to the inevitable river bet from the guy who's range is everything from whiffed clubs, whiffed straights, and underpairs or I can check behind. I choose the latter because I'm not calling a lot of rivers. River is another rag, he bets smallish. Meh, I call. Bottomset is good. WTF? C/C, C...way to give me two free streets to catch a straight or flush. Of course, with my actual hand, I have essentially no equity but w/e. Sometimes I have draws.

Anyvay...Um, KYLIE.