
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Glasses and passes

I can't even spell dyslexia. Would have been a marginal/breakeven session except my flopped top and bottom two wasn't. Ac7c6, I think I have A6s, I actually have A9s. I raise flop donk, he calls. Turn is a 4, he checks, I figure...bet, call a push. I bet, call push, and wonder why the pot gets shipped to A4o. Ironically, MHWG until he catches a 3 outer. WHAT A SHOCKER, FISH CALLS AND GETS THERE. NEWS AT 11.

And then it kept raining: Completely owned by a check/raise monkey. Guy LRR's me, checks it down until I have bottom two...and shows flopped set of eights.

I got action on one set. Out of...three or more. I made...no other draws but then again I don't call every bet OOP with any part of the board.

I played JJ passively, undercard flop, taken to valuetown by middle set's tiny bets. In retrospect, I should have either played it aggressively pf, or raised the flop, or folded the river.

So today, I take full responsibility for my stacking. I misread my hand. I should never do that. I should never play tired. All the other crap (oh, I have a pair, let's turn it into trash on the river) is not my fault. I 3bet a LAG opening UTG with A6s, he calls, obviously. K55 flop, he check raises small. I mean, OBVIOUSLY. I happen to think he was FOS and didn't think I could call, and is just playing perfectly with total garbage (because why fold oop preflop when you can call with your whole range, and try to win every pot?). At least I protected myself with AK/AA. Why does that sound so fucking hollow. Oh, that's right, because he's got 5x when I have anything that can call, except when I have KK.

I only stacked one guy by playing QQ from the blinds for set value (it's not really worth much else). I hate all hands pf except KK/AA, and all hands postflop pretty much. Flop was QJ8 multiway. I check, guy donks, PFR raises huge, I call. HU turn is a T. Disgusting. How absolutely disgusting. I check, call push. KQ on this occasion does not get there.

I flop a FD with JTs ip, get B3B all-in. Great, just great.

I flop TP with JT, check raise monkey check minraises. SIGH, call ip. He pots turn. WTFold.

Got check/raised excessively. If this were live, I would just put my knife hilt deep into their throats. Or their eyes...

So yeah, I MISREAD MY HAND and lost 60/70BB. I misplayed a hand and lost 20/30BB. All the rest is just NORMAL DONKADONK, OH, WE CANT LET YOU WIN A POT SIR bullshit.