
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Deardo, Kay-quu

Expensive, this Mactardery. Just bought a Parallels license: £54. Ouch.

Screencasting is stupidly smooth with dualcores...unless I try directly encoding with H.264. 188% CPU usage, and that's without running Parallels at all. Think I'll have to stick with 'Apple Animation' and re-encode if the file size is too large. This is my test (4.1M). Boldly starting TNG.421.

I know no one reads this thing but I thought it was cool. Especially the mouse follow stuff :)

Want to try Goldeneye:Source. Not sure if I need to buy HL2 or if a, ehm, copy is sufficient to evaluate the mod.

I'd like for one goddamn game to work in OSX but whatever.

Testing speech in OSX, wrote my preflop range on a sticky: Computer says "Kay-quu" when reading KQo.

I said it before, but I'll say it again: Nine Hundred is oh so cold.