
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Wow, C&C3 AI (hard, GDI, turtle) is actually freaking formidable! Looking at the statistics, it owned me pretty hardcore. Sent commandos a few times, took out vital structures with commando/firehawks...made sizable squads of units (I shit myself when it attacked me with 10+ orcas, and again when I saw 10 juggernauts). Built loads of sonic turrets...was out pacing me in resource gathering the whole match. It played very, very well. I don't even know how I won (er, aside from 35% handicap :P) with my mammoth, mammoth, mammoth strategy.

Will need to practice exclusively against 'turtle' from now on.

Hmm, I was going to watch something and go to bed but I've run out of things to watch. 2p2 is down. Downloading Stinger's side of the PLO HU match & DS9101/102 (followed by the rest of season1). Stinger got outplayed, however, so I don't know how useful it will be. Both of those will take ~1hr. Guess I'll play some more CNC.

Oh, and the weather's gone shite. Great, just great. Neighbour went out today so I got to enjoy some peace and quiet outside...but it was overcast and not that nice so I cut it a little short. Bugger.

FishQuest: Yeah, I'm getting better at NL. Feel better, feel that I'm clearly a winning player. Just need to continue to improve, get some crucial results, move back up...get some more crucial results. My posting to 2p2 again is a good step. Watching CR. 3bet coaching. But at the end of the day, I have to make the decisions in the actual hands. No matter how much theory I learn, I have to follow thru.