
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


4 gentoo lusers sitting in irc...


But none of them appears to be Brandy, which is probably a good thing.


Ex Potentia

I have just slept from 1700 to 2200 and I'm still exhausted. Yes, I've been tired this week but that's no excuse for this deluge of idiocy. A mistake is acceptable, a compounded error like that is not. It reeks of stupidity.

Added a few bindkeys to ~/.screenrc. I wanted to bind to Page Up/Down instead of using it as a bindkey but I couldn't work out how to do it :/

bind > resize +10
bindkey ^[[5;5~ resize +1 #Ctrl-Pg_Up
bind < resize -10
bindkey ^[[6;5~ resize -1 #Ctrl-Pg_Down
bindkey -k f* resize = #Keypad *
bindkey -k k7 prev #F7
bindkey -k k8 next #F8
bindkey -k k9 windows #F9
bindkey -k F2 windowlist #F12

...and a command class (^A # = 1-9, ^A - # = 10-19, ^A - - # = 20-29, etc.) like '040126' in Sven's config.


Permission to scream

Okay, I'm stupid on two accounts. 1) I should have seen that /dev/snd wasn't executable when I was poking around looking for the problem. 2) I really should have seen it wasn't executable when I had the ls output pasted back to me by a random condescending IRC person.

Should I have spotted this myself? Absolutely. Should it have been set like this to begin with? Absolutely fucking not.

Now, Blissex seemed to be under the impression that this was entirely my fault for using octal instead of addative syntax in chmod. Again, no. Prior to this all my messing with sound permissions has been with /dev/(dsp|mixer)* not /dev/snd — and snd_pcm_open has always failed for a user in the audio group. Why? Because when ALSA created those dirs it got the permissions wrong or some package modified them. I haven't touched them.




[Sat 17 Jul 2004 13:11:12] (+0100)
[Exit: 42 Command: 4] ninja@fire:~/tmp>

And my xterm titlebar looks like:

screen 2 (~/tmp) | ninja@fire | 80x33 | pts/573

Screen window titles are either truncated $PWD or the name of the current running command, e.g. my caption (of the focused window) looks like:

0-$ irssi 1-$ root:nano
2$* ~/tmp 3$ man 4$ less

The only things I have failed at are getting the contents of a screen backtick (\e_\0051\`\e\\) or using zsh truncation (%22<..<%~) in the xterm titlebar.

I'd post the config but formatting it via blogger is a real nightmare.



Debian : Redhat :: zsh : bash

Or, in other words, clearly superior :P

By the by, for you Windows people:

Windows : GNU/Linux :: Pirates : Ninjas


Dynamic Titles

DynamicTitles in screen with an ugly BASH hack.

I think I'm going to try ZSH, it's what Miciah and the other #screen people recommend. I see he describes himself as a loser with no real friends...us birds of a feather, we flock together.

finger toddh@idsoftware.com

IT'S DONE!!!!!!!

Doom3 descendeth upon us from on high to destory our nerdly Summer vacation -- and we are grateful.



No software package can fix ignorance. Mozilla makes ignorance a little cheaper. Microsoft is trying to do the same with changing the defaults in Service Pack 2. However, the real problem won't be fixed as long as people choose not to think.
» Blindman


  • 1: First they ignore you.
  • 2: Then they laugh at you.
  • -> 3: Then they fight you.
  • 4: Then you win.


!moron ninja_

< dpkg> ninja_: You are moron #47

Well, it happens to the best of us, and (somewhat more frequently) to me. I hadn't updated grub to point to (hd2,0) (SATA) for initrd and vmlinuz (yet I had pointed root to hde1). No wonder I couldn't get it to boot using the 2.6.7 kernel: It was on the other freaking drive! Yay for Tardsday!

Grub saved my bacon, though. Tab completing when editing boot options? Genius!

Pinning & Pining

Well, unsurprisingly I did install Firefox from experimental, and, equally unsurprisingly, it works perfectly. I love how pragmatic the Debian Developers (DD) are :) Even the alpha release packages tend to "just work". Of course, sometimes that nasty boy Sid does break your toys :(

Anyway, when one is foolish enough to use packages from experimental, updating can be a pain. Apt will always downgrade your shiny new experimental packages unless you pin 'em. Here's the snippet from my /etc/apt/preferences:

Package: *
Pin: release a=experimental Pin-Priority: 101

In theory this will allow you to upgrade a mixed unstable/experimental system easily.


Where is my mind?

I could have sworn that I installed a new kernel yesterday. Either I'm losing my mind or something is fubared. No, look I can see the .deb in the archives...but apt-get still wants to download it? Uh, no wonder the old nvidia driver seemed to magically work. Whatever, I think I'm pretty safe from local DOS attacks, unless I've suffered some serious break with reality.... In which case, I have more pressing issues than upgrading the kernel :D


ninja@fire:~> apt-get moo
  / |    ||
 *  /\---/    ~~   ~~
...."Have you mooed today?"...
I have, and still am getting archives (107MB/196MB). Heh, you can always tell when there's an XFree update. Firefox hasn't dropped into unstable yet, though. Upon further investigation the reason it's still in experimental is because of Sarge's release. Ponders pulling it from experimental. Hmm, I think not.

Modified the uptime script for irssi by peder@ninja.no (ninjas++) to return client and system stats on CTCP version. Made a pretty dumb mistake so that it sent replies to anyone doing a /me action. Just a little embarrassing :D

oasis.bscn.com tracker is still down. Look at the bandwidth graphs to get some kind of idea of its availability. Damn annoying as I am desperately close to finishing season 3 of both 24 and Alias. Spot the missing process :(


Sie kann einen Porno kaufen. Not surprising that she needs a reminder considering the amount of E she must have been on when making it.


-> 11 0 days, 00:14:35 | Linux 2.6.5-1-k7 Thu Jul 8 22:35:02 2004 ----------------------------------------- 1up in 1 day , 01:00:40 | at Fri Jul 9 23:50:16 2004
no1 in 20 days, 08:30:55 | at Thu Jul 29 07:20:31 2004


storm power

The storms that ravaged our beloved Isle knocked power out here this morning. Only for a second but 'twas enough to destroy my uptime :E

20 days, 08:45:29 (Linux 2.6.5-1-k7)

{ironic notation that implies that this is important}

/downloads 2.6.7-k7 kernel-image

Don't you just love Debian?

pr0n: She's no angel. Yadda-yadda, Cameron D. doing some pre-fame softcore S&M. Here's the site. Looks pretty lame :D


okay, i haven't updated this blog in forever. in fact, i haven't done any 'web' stuff at all since...around about the beginning of 2003.

must be more proactive, or something less marketoid sounding.