
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Bloomin Friday


Work sucks -- I know! Stressful morning with the three of us rushing like Russians to make these canopy things. Really could of killed 'N' with his prima-dona "I'm working here!" crap. What the fuck am I doing, macrame? God damn tit.


Still playing quake. Teflon feet ('padsurfers') seem to have worn to a sweet thickness now on the icemat. Had a blinding game on Thu. playing wpc9. Sure, it was only 2-1 (and I blame myself for the 1) but I could have capped once or maybe twice more.

Their cap I was ready to rail the EFC as he crossed mid high but I fluffed it. I quickly tracked back sure to intercept him at the gl but he dropped low. Like an idiot I followed him instead of staying high and hoping to intercept that way. I come out of the tunnel just as he's capped and rail him. Doh.

And I could have capped one/two times if my fucking team would have let me pick up the flag. Once I had near 200 armour, which while not a cetainity, would have probably meant a successful flag run. The second time was in the final minute. I'd snagged haste and blue (enemy) regen (may have had some armor too) and I'm coming up to the flag with some other offense...and this retard grabs the flag. There's less than 40 seconds left in the game, he could maybe just about cap if he's very lucky. I escort him to mid, he then rocket jumps up to try and avoid the rush of blue players, and loses the flag. Fucking wanker. I could have capped easily but the selfish cunt had to try and do it himself. Noob :/

Tonight was a mixed bag. Low point was a HPB trying to play TDM on the other team. 31/54 kills/deaths, 4957 dmg given. Yes, Shadow, you suck at TDM so please try CTF. I'm sure you suck at that too but maybe less so.

Usually chasing, spawn raping, camping, spamming, &c.