
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Played Holdem for the first time today. Interesting.

Started with $50 + 25% bonus ($63), ended the day with ~$93. I was up to $174 (only $9 short of my 'target'!) at 1500 when it all went pear shaped. Playing time was about 6 hours total. Works out to $27.5/hr on the good streak, or $5/hr for the whole day :/

So, lessons learned? Take breaks: Like any high-concentration activity. Right now I have a terrible headache. Play tighter: Fold/Bluff more intelligently, when I started losing I my game began going to shit.


Wrote this once so here's the short-hand notes: bankroll=50 per wk. if (up>100 && lost>20); cashout all but 50; elseif (lost>20); quit for day.