
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Had my bike (GT Avalanche 2.0 disc) stolen last night from outside my house. No locks or anything but it is hidden so you'd have to know it was there. Fucking gutted, to be honest. It was either people from the new mountain biking centre or, more probably, gypos doing their Christmas shopping. It's hard to say, though, since there was a hedge cutter right by it so they obviously only really wanted the bike (worth about £230 now + £70 worth of lights). If it was someone who rides the trails, they'll be found. And, if I do catch up with the cunts, I'll break fingers...but if there's not enough remorse over that, I'll take fingers...or, if I'm still not satisfied that they're well and truly sorry, I'll take a hand.

Ordered a 2004 Giant Terrago FS2 as a replacement. I would have spent more...only I don't fancy having some cunt steal it again. I could have picked up a 2005 GT Av. disc for £30 more but the frame was XL so I skipped it. The only 'bad' thing about the 2k4 Terrago compared to my old GT, as far as I can see, is it doesn't have disc brakes. Otherwise they're pretty similar. In fact, the Terrago might be better but I just hope I can live with v-brakes.

Other bikes I was looking at:

All much more expensive (and I'd have had to collect the GT full sus.). The Fisher Joshua would have been a dream (or even the GT I-Drive 3.0) but I've just been ripped off and don't feel like investing a lot of money in a bike. Besides the fact that I haven't budgeted for buying a new bike this month so I can't really afford anything pimp.