
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


How much credit?

Getting tired and going nowhere last night at the table I find myself in MP somewhere with AQo. I call since I'm first to enter the pot aside from the blinds and feel that it's likely that I'll have to call a raise. I'm fine calling a raise with AQo but if I raised and it was reraised behind me then I would either fold or reluctantly call. Both of which are bad situations.

Flop: AsQdJs. Top two but there's a flush draw. SB minbets, I pot it (I don't want to lose to a flush). Everyone folds except the deepstack PFR. Now, if I'm thinking here alarm bells should start ringing. Depending on how much credit I want to give him he could have: KT/JJ/AJ/Ax/Jx/XsXs, I'm ahead of everything but the first two. But I'm too tired to be worried about a flopped straight or set. Turn is a blank, I throw out the same size bet as before. Call. River is Qs, giving me the 2nd nuts Queens full of Aces. I put the rest of my chips in. Thinking about it for awhile he calls and mucks.

I would like to know if I got lucky on the river beating a straight (KT), a lower full house (JJ), or a flush (XsXs). Or, if I was ahead the whole way (AJ/Ax/Jx). I think he may have thought that my bet/AI on the river was a bluff at the flush, so he may have held flush cards. If he did have the flush, serves him right for trying to suck out on me. Also, he won a huge pot earlier playing K7o in a raised pot against AK. There he held crappy two pair to someones Aces and Kings until another 7 appeared on the river. Karma?