
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



My trips run into someones full house (T7o vs. my QTs). God, I should have folded that to the reraise. Every donkey has his day.

Someone just doubled off of him when their QT made a K-high straight. Ha. Ha.

Christ, I just folded AQs to a High card king on the river.

rofl, guy to my right took donkey boys stack.

Oops, didn't reraise the nuts...fucksake. I thought I was chopping but I should have put him all-in anyway. That only costs a tiny bit when we do chop, and I had the stone cold nuts. Miserable play. Even worse than the other broadway hand. At least there was a really danger of being outdrawn on that hand. Here he either calls or folds but I don't lose a thing either way.

Fucksake, QQ, make it 11BB to go, 2 callers, ace on the flop and a flush draw. Heavy betting and I have to throw them away. Well, I don't have to but I'm OOP and facing heat from two opponents.

Pfft. Just played 1 hour and broke even. Took JTs too far (I know, I know) chasing a gutshot. Should have folded preflop or on the flop. Then JJ ran into a shitty, shitty board (KTTK). I bet the flop and the turn but I thought to myself "If I get raised here, I'm not calling down. A single K or T gives a full house and I only have two pair."