
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Large stack, small brain

Sat on my left is someone with 7 buy-ins. He is a LAG, spewing chips but getting lucky. I've seen him call numerous all-ins with junk. He called my all-in when I flopped a set from the BB (46o, flopped set of Sixs). Of course, he was playing 68o (premium hand UTG man!) so I was lucky to split the other guys stack with him. Otherwise I'd have been fuming.

Everyone at the table is slowly doubling up off of him. Just played K2s from the button trying to loosen up but he raised behind me. Gritting my teeth I called his minraise and folded on the flop.

Other than my blinds I don't think I've played a hand. Welcome to card death. Limped AJo in MP1, folded to large raise. Glad I didn't come out with a raise or call as I wouldn't have improved.

9bb more I'll spend then quit. Uh, oh, JJ on the button. Jep, lost a ton there after largeboy reraised me. Flop wasn't too bad (Q55), turn killed it (Q). Lost 40BB just getting to the turn, it was another 80BB to continue. Oh fuck right off, dude 4 to my left just took a huge pot on the next hand with JJ when the board gave him a straight Eight to Queen. I should have quit by now. I'll do it when the blinds reach me. Done.

Breakeven. zzz.