
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


2nd innings not so good

Trying another session, couldn't get on earlier. Fishiest table ever. Shame I'm still card dead.

UTG+1: K9o, fold. UTG: Q6s, fold. UTG again (someone joined): 49o, fold. BB: KQo, 3bb raise, miss flop. Shit, I hate being OOP. Weak bet the flop, check the ace turn, call minbet river. Villain showed A6o.

olol, someone across the table goes all-in preflop with Cowboys (KK) and is called (I folded Kournikova [AKh]). Next hand I get Cowboys and consider just playing it normally. Recklessly I go all-in, called by 44. The only reason not to do this is that nobody sane calls you with anything that you beat. However, if you're called by a lesser hand than this is easy money. Fishy as hell, though.

I keep getting Q2/Q3/Q4. Yippe. haha, I'd have flopped trips with the 4 on that hand :)

I should have quit since I've almost doubled up and I'm card dead. The table is nice a juicy though. AA preflop! I go all-in, caller shows AA. Damn, rake wins. If we'd have got someone else in we could have split his stack :) I should have made it less to go and that might have happened. However, we could have both lost big too. Maybe I'd have folded to his post-flop aggression.

MP1: AQo. Finally a hand I can play! UTG does a stop 'n' go, probably with AA/KK. UTG: T2o, fold and I'm done. Wow, only 39% plrs/flop. That's low for pacific.

Okay, I banked winnings and am back at the table. Card death continues. Not had a legitimate hand to play, folded my blinds when raised. 40 more minutes and I'm out of here. Woot, QTs followed by AQo. Won a little bit w/o SD. Oops, got greedy on the river with flopped trips.

Fuck me silly, lost an additional 10BB calling AQs on a shit flop (none of my suit). I'm back to less than my buy-in now. Villain showed K9s. Cool, but not worth reraising preflop with. Heh, if I'd have called the next preflop raise from the SB I'd have flopped trips.

Doh, made broadway on the turn (KQo) but didn't make as much money as I could have. Backdoor flush concerned me somewhat but I should have just put as much out there as I thought he would call. Even my whole stack. If I lose to some tard playing a backdoor flush, so be it. Didn't bet my draw either. Flop was AsJd2c. What better place to bet a gutshot? Turn: Tc. I put in a 1/6th pot bet hoping for calls. That gets it headsup. A c/r would have been better since button had already shown interest in the flop. River: 3c. I bet exactly the same as on the turn. No, no, no. 1/2 or 2/3 pot bet is much better here. I have the 2nd nuts, if he hung around with AcXc then I pay him off here. This is very disappointing play from me.

Bad session, didn't take my chance to win big.