
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Poker not so good today. AA minraises UTG and I call with AQs. Unfortunately, I hit my Queen and end up paying off $15. If I'd have hit an Ace, chances are I could have folded before the river. Very next hand I limped 77 and duder raises to $8. Of course I call and miss. Maybe it looks good for table image.

Maybe I need to stop calling raises with AQ. Accidently called EP raise with AQo and hit an Ace. Folded on the flop :(

No sets today so far...did hit a monster draw (OESD+FD) that I was prepared to go all-in with but everyone folded. Called UTG raise with JJ and had an overpair but I let it go. Too weak, probably, but I've lost so much already today. I really don't see how. Some bad calls, bad call down vs. AA. And that's it. Yet it adds up to about 50bb.

I decide to fold ATo preflop and of course would have flopped top two.

Final damage: -$51.60. Biggest loser: AQs -$16 (AA call down). All the rest are PP that didn't hit, including JJ (3 times) & TT (once). Playing JJ/TT for set value is kind of weak tight, I guess. Not sure if my overpair hand was good or not. I could have raised him to find out where I'm at. Should have raised...

Would have been nice to have hit a flop to some significant degree but that's just not the way I roll. I only managed to steal 3 pots. One I wanted to go all-in with. Meh.