
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



BB 77: PFRer raises more than 10% of my effective stack. SS calls, it's tempting but I fold. Seven on the flop, SS pushes over the cbet, KK calls. Damnit, I would have made my implied odds. I know it's a "good" fold given that I'm not closing the action and not getting good odds since I can't count on getting both their stacks. Still annoying to see I would have made it.

KTs flops the second nut flush + straight flush draw. I raise hard on the flop, not wanting the Ace to draw. Called by two pair. I put him all-in on a blank turn thinking he might have the Ace. He calls, river bricks and MHIG.

BT AJo: Wow, how easy was that? Flop 2h, Jh, 5c, one guy minbets his flush draw, another guy calls his minbet, I raise to pot. One guy check/calls, minbettors both fold. Turn: 7d, total brick. I bet half pot, fish calls. River: Ad. Top two, woot. I value bet 3/4 of pot. Guy calls. MHIG. Easy with position, with a non-scary board.

I run at 260bb/100. Obviously sustainable. Means little but it's nice to have hands actually hold up for a change.