
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


OMG!!! Ponies!!!

Hmm, won tiny amount over a tiny sample of hands at 100NL. Looking at my biggest losers I see 33 and AJo. One of the those 33's would have been overset (KK) had I seen the flop with it so thank god aggro bitch pushed me out preflop by going all-in with A7o. Wow, looking at the HH now board was 3h, Kh, 4s, 6d, 2h. Someone folded J7s (hearts), someone else folded 44, and someone had JJ. Would have been set over set over set losing to the flush.

Won big with QQ by reraising from the BB and flopping a set. I bet half pot on the flop, guy obligingly minraises me leaving $3 behind. I push and he...folds. LOL? Not that I mind, I'm sure he'd have got runner runner Jacks if he'd have called. Shame he was a short stack.

Shortly after I get AJo in LP. Flop is Tc, Jh, 2c. Two people bet before it gets to me. I raise 3x their half pot bets, SS from QQ hand pushes, other guy calls, and I fold. SS shows 22, called shows Q9s (clubs). Flush draw wins and I lost the minimum.

Disappointed that I only ran at 7.2BB/100 for that stretch. Thought after QQ hand that I was up way more. Things to take from this session? AJo is crap.

bad_ip runs goot.

Finally watched V for Vendetta...meh, good but not great. Portman looks nice but her accent is a bit off.