
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Lose a 92/8 with QQ vs. 99 on a 4c5c5h flop. Unfortunately, Skalansky bucks are accepted at less places than my last debit card...

*Whine* I play NL so as when people make stupid mistakes such as the one above I can win the maximum, not lose. Pretty much twice the exact same scenario has occured. KK/QQ vs. 99 and villain spikes a 9 once all the money is in. I can't win if this shit is rigged in favour of the retards.

Last 6 dvds or so I've burned don't work, which is nice.

I have to do some work work by Monday. I've told them that I'm really not interested in doing it in the future (because I want to wind it down and wind up poker, lols, because poker is so viable for me...see the first paragraph above) and the response was basically "well, I know your not but I'm going to be giving it to anyway". Great.

UPS then flipped and took everything down while I was playing poker/typing this up the first time. Just ordered a new one since it's been fucked for awhile now. cash--.

Oh yeah, and VMWare is going to expire in 6 days or so even though it's a beta. Fine, I'll klutz around with the warezed workstation version and try to get it working on a 2.6 kernel. I mean really, go eat fucking cock, assholes.

And now my head hurts so fucking bad I want to put it through the monitor.