
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Faster pussycat

Carolyn Murphy sextape...clip (may be down by now, I pulled it from a.b.e. Eff it, it's only 7.5M). I have no idea who this bitch is. I now know she has tan lines and can't dance. Oh, supermodel. Yes, she is rather fit. I'm sure the full tape will grace usenet any day now.

I like the new Oakenfold track featuring Brittany Murphy, even though I'm not madly into her. It's not like I'd kick her out of bed, though.

That's it for Murphys.

Listened to Gnarls Barkley's St. Elsewhere. Meh. It's good but I think I only really like track 8 ("I've tried") other than Crazy. Maybe the rest will grow on me.

Need to run some math to find out how likely Ax is dominated by Ay headsup. The probability of two people being dealt pairs headsup is 0.0035 so I'm probably never folding TT (can't be bothered to actually calculate it right now).

Have no money on Stars so I'm playing some HUSNNL. First match went well, he was stealing quite often until I got TT, raised, flop xxQ, I cbet and he calls. Turn Ten. BOOM. I bet $250 into $300. Guy pushes his Q9s. Thanks! He pushes preflop next hand and I call with Q6s (diamonds) unfortunately he has A8s (diamonds). Doh! Nothing much happens until I flop top pair with 98o. I bet, he pushes (as he has been doing a lot), and I call. He has bottom pair but the river gives him two pair. Uh oh, he's back in it. Nothing much then, he seems to have mastered the art of pushing when I have total junk and folding the SB when I have AK or such. He's also respecting my raises when I have a hand and pushing when I'm stealing. Grr. I get KK and check from the BB. Flop 555. I bet, he pushes, I instacall. If he has the case 5 then whatever. He has J2s. Jack-high no goot. That was easyish.

I forgot to mention my misbet the other day. Meant to bet $2.50 into a nothing pot and bet $25. Standard. Luckily no one was "thinking at the 2nd highest level" there and they all folded. An excellent player would push with junk; an even better player would call that push (thinking at the highest level).

SSNL is funny. I have 34o out of the BB on a KQ2J board and it's being checked around. Someone bet, ffs.

Owned by misclick. Meant to play NL HU but ended up sitting at HU limit. rofl, oops. I nearly won but he bad beated my for t1000 twice hitting a straight and a flush on the river. Standard. My increasing tilty chat went: "rofl" (KK loses to AQo's rivered gutshot, "rofl" (QQ loses to AJs rivered flush), "ffs" (I've just been hammering the raise button to end this nightmare and my all-in wins), and "good" (I busto). That was such a fucking waste of time. I could have busted 3 fish (provided they don't call all-in and river shit) in the time it took to bust this guy down to <t900, have him river me in a huge pot, bust him down to <t900 again, to have him river me in a huge pot, again. In theory I could have mounted a comeback but I need to get to bed.