
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



So, uh, um, played some more tournaments (the promise of big payout is oh so tempting) but without any real success. Last one I busted pf. AA v. AJs (QTxxK board). I really don't know what he was thinking with that call, first hand I'd pushed, about the third hand I hadn't folded outside of the blinds. But he had Jared Diamond (loleos, GG&S ftw!). I was slightly below average chipstack so I felt I had to double soon.

Meh, it happens and I'd rather it happen early in a donkament than in a cash game.

In a different tournament I get AA on the very first hand. If I remember the action correctly I limped in from EP, two people pushed, I called and it held up. Instant-chipleader. I managed to fuck it up though later with AQs v. AA (TPTK v. overpair). My excuse was he trapped me and I wasn't deep enough to get away from it. His minraising preflop should have set off alarm bells, I guess.

Felt rough as fuck today again. IDK if it's still something to do with my nose being busted.

Watching "Running Scared". Not bad, the paedophiles were creepy as fuck. The woman was hot, though. Ugh, and I'm missing the ending on that release. FFS, ends just as he pulls up outside the Motel.

I guess I could watch Hostel but...I don't really want to traumatize myself :)

Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0 no wonder my ISP webspace is down.

My ball juggling (aye-aye!) is no where near the level it once was. I have lost almost all the skills I once had, which is nice. Considering I could do 500 or so at 14/15, including some of the slightly more advanced stuff (catching it on the foot/knee/neck). I remember practicing with a tennis ball, ffs.

Meh, my ring game is off. Turn a straight on a 3 flush board, bet pot and get one caller. Block river for half. Flush wins. I guess I shouldn't have even peeled on the flop.

Oh, lol, flop a an underfull with 44 (4AA), all-in against A3s. Turn Ten, river Ten. Nice hand. Semi-glass tap comment by me "lol. typical pacific". I mean, come on first set of the day (not many ring hands) and I lose to a shortstacks 23%? Fucking standard.

BTW, the games at Pacific mostly suck hard now that they've allowed multitabling. One juicy Pacific table open + some other sites was good but now it's pretty rocky. See they've started spreading 1KNL too.