
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Brokeback's back

Put KK all-in preflop against AKo at 100NL. Guess what? Standard. Guy only had 50BB, though, so his suckout was less costly than it might have been. God, and I wonder why I have to redeposit.

Dick's left with my money. Hope he gets AIDS.

Lose another 50BB with AA. Yep, yep, YEP. Of course, the fact that I ABSOLUTELY BUTCHERED THE HAND makes me feel so much better. Seriously, good job I don't have access to a gun.

Oh, and sets flopped today = zero. How many hands? Few hundred so small sample but whatever. Oh, and what's that? I have yet to get it all-in with a set at 100NL. In fact, I've yet to get it all-in with anything (combo draw/straight/flush) for 100BB. That's how good I run.