
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



God, way to drop the ball there Secretary of Defense Heller, you dumb schmuck. So disappointing after season four's solid showing. Don't you know Jack is always right? God.

Of course, the next 6 episodes will be full of "Oh my god, Audrey, I'm sorry", "I never meant...", & "okay, Jack, what do you want me to do?". Standard.

And did he jab Jack in the windpipe? WTF! Jack should fucking chin him for that, cheeky cunt.

Have to say, great season. Bringing Buchanan back into the story was a good move. Chole's Bondian rift is cool as fuck. Aaron's dead/missing? Who the fuck would have got to him? AFAIK, Logan himself is the only conspirator at the retreat and he seemed ignorant of Aaron. Of course, it could be Logan but he's been a little preoccupied...A benign abduction by Mike makes little sense but is possible.

Oh, and what does the VP make of the he-said-she-said bullshit that went down in the President's office? If he noticed the letter of resignation, I wonder how much detail he got? Enough to realise Heller is telling the truth? Either way, I don't think he's going to be on the Presidents side after this...Perhaps the VP bagged Aaron? Yes, that would make sense, actually, and the more I think about it the more likely it is. Sorry if this was obvious to anyone else, but the VP fished around Logan with talking about a photo-op with Palmer's funeral plane or somesuch. Logan just took it at face value. However, Wayne told the VP that he was flying Palmer's body back that night (?sketchy here) and had no time to talk to the President, and that the purpose of his visit was to give Aaron a service medal. Now the VP knows that Wayne was lying so may suspect Aaron of knowing WTF is going on. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.

God, I remember the awesomeness of watching DVDs back to back. Watching it weekly is painful.


Owow. Nick's a prick, Link's been 'extracted' by the CIA, and they burned that guard? Awesome.

Who the fuck is leaning on Nick, the CIA? If so, the CIA have a weird agenda. Plus I have to think the granting of Link's (I'm sure it should be "Linc" but I'm a fan of Zelda) little bus ride and then the accident are way too big of a coincidence for them not to have been planned. I'm sure that's a logical fallacy but come on, no way it's just random (well, you know, as random as events can be in a narrative).

When the guard said that someone had already given $700 for Scofield's cell I was expecting John to reappear. I'm pretty sure he's coming back before they make their escape.

And now they've added "Slim" to their group. Great.

I think I know what season 2 will be about: Breaking LJ out of wherever he ends up...which could be Foxriver. I guess if he did end up there the show would be able to reuse a lot of the first seasons characters (Pope, Doctor, Bull[?], all the minor inmates). Be kind of lame though. Breaking out of Foxriver...again. Whee.

If the writers plan to move on from that are we just going to say goodbye to some pretty big characters (the Doctor is probably the largest but I don't really see how she could end up with Scofield). Have to wait and see.


Alias is back and hopefully dying soon. As soon as it went "main stream" (I think it was half way through season two) it's gone from bad to worse. Not that it was ever omgomg great but it was decent. Now I only watch it out of inertia. When it became the Bennifer Baby show it was obviously going to be cancelled ("No, I can still be a supersexy, superspy while I'm pregnant!" Uh, huh). Shame to say goodbye to Rachel Nichols :(