
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I made a friend this morning but since I mostly got dealt crap like 92o I managed to bleed away $50 at the table. However, I did hit a straight at another table making it a +$50 session. Yes, I am quitting my fucking day job.

Donkament: Get AA, reraise a minraise, he calls. KQJ flop. Guy open pushes. Sweet. I think I'll fold and get it in where I have more than 6 outs.

Don't know if I fancy England much. Some of those girls a quite hot but a few are pretty busted.

Watched Cars last night. Much better than I expected but it's not one of my favourite Pixar films. Not overly fond of Owen Wilson.

Watching a donk destroy the table by cracking Aces (all-in pf KK) and Kings (22 hit on the turn) like it wasn't no thing. Donk calls my desperate push with a dominant hand.

Um, shower is running cold which is fustrating. Faucet is running hot, though.

Sweet, maniac at 400NL table. Sweet, I lose money despite flopping a set and the nut straight. Meanwhile he dumps $1750 on the table with bottom pair and the like. However, against me he plays perfectly; raising when I miss and folding when I hit. Yes, -$37 on that table. Biggest losers: AKo (-$57), 97o (-$19 misclick on the flop), ATo, 77, 99, AQo, 33, 55, blah, blah. Won $95 with set of 9's, $37 with flopped straight, and $14 from a split pot. Frickin' sweet. Oh, and I played a turbo donkament but busted when AQo > KK...with a Q-high straight. Fuck poker.

My buddy was 96/51/2 and on my left. He donated $850, $750, $270, and $250 to 4 others...and was "up" $56 on me.