
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



"ty" said the donk after he called my push with KTs v. AQo. Of course he makes a fullhouse...

Joined cardrunners and finally got the videos working after installing a new XP VM. I get to see GP stacking off with A6o v. ATo in a 200NL 6max game. Like he said, terrible play. However, I have learned a few things from his videos so far...he says folding 88 on a JJ224 board where 55 scopes. Also, GP pushed JJ on an undercard flop against TT which I can't imagine being overly profitable, even at 6max.

One thing I will stop doing is using autoactions, it gives away far too much information. Best to not act instantly and betray the strength of my hand.

Damn, very fishy 400NL table but all the fish got busted before I could take a seat. Well, there's one weak player still, maybe two. Actually, I don't really know much about the guy who stacked the fish but he put in $50 preflop with JTo and flopped top two, rivered a boat. Doesn't scream of good play, and maybe the guy that acted after him had a set. I doubt it, however, since he was a huge fish. Shit, I could have used some of that ~$200 avg. pot action.

I've been offered 20% rakeback on PP but I have to create a new account. I'm not entirely sure how these things work and my total rake according to PT is only ~$200 in 5k hands this month. Although, at 400NL+ it does become worthwhile.

No good games for awhile...I made one buyin earlier with only going to showdown once. Played QQ aggressively once from LP and miraculously got an undercard flop. AKs, the shortstack represented the flushdraw, pushing all-in when it hit on the river. I was more than happy to call with Ace-high flush. Flopped quads twice. Limped TT from the SB and got no action. QTo from the BB and QQQ flop. Flop goes check, bet (me), call, raise, call, call. Turn: Half pot bet, I call instead of raising, call. River: Check, bet, fold, fold. Some dickhead in the chat goes "$USER has the Q!" on the turn, uh, STFU? Should probably get his chat banned, fucking cunt. I'm pretty sure SB would have fired again and the calling station would have overcalled.

Played a speed SNG bubbled when 92o > ATo, obviously. I don't blame the BB for calling (1k/2k blinds, 2600 stack) but jesus, come on. Then my 43s failed to draw out on 85o. To be fair I did get lucky with K2s v KTs earlier so I guess all things come full circle. Had AQo twice, no AK, no big pairs. GG donkament.

Ugh, two good decisions, two bad results. That's poker. First, I call a MP/LP raise with 55 on the button. BB reraises from $20 to $60. Obviously I have to fold because I'm never going to make enough back postflop to justify calling that preflop. 5 on the flop. Second, I limp/call with 99 and miss (obviously). C/F the flop.

I hate people who play AK like that OOP. If I call and hit a set I take their continuation bet unless they decide to bluff. Yet they make QQ and lower shutdown.

Fucking, grr. I think I made a correct fold but it looks like a bluff. I bet $20 into $30 on the river, guy instaraises to $100. Uh? I don't think my crappy two pair is good (K3o on A9K37 board). Felt like he was slowplaying since action went checked flop, bet/raise/smoothcall/fold turn, bet/raise river. Now I've watched the guy he seems to be very, very looose. Can't say whether he is aggressive or not.

Ah, just coming to the end of a typical PP session where I could not flop a pair or a draw, much less a set. My TT hit a great AQxJA board and the calling stations KJ wins. Later calling station calls UTG LRR for 100BB with JJ. Ohh, 55 and a raise in front of me...66A flop. Of course. That's probably undone the mild success I had earlier. What a surprise.

I think I should have looked that guy up with DP. Raising my blocker/VB 5x (3x pot) screams "fold your weak hand" to me.

Two tournaments over in the blink of an eye. AQ > 55, JJ > 88. The eights I could have folded but whatever, I didn't really care at that point.

Two juicy tables on PP but I'm 8th in both waiting lists. Fish'll busto before I sit, I'm sure. Oh, I see the villain that "bluffed" me is still there. Hmm, already the avg. pot is dropping on the 200NL table I thought looked good.

Yep, the avg. pot has dropped $60 at the 400NL table before I could sit. The 200NL dropped $20. Wow, there's a 5/10 game that looks fishy as fuck but I dare not sit. True, I could always buyin for $400 or something but...

Aw, my donky villain is down $700 $800 on the 400NL table. Oh and he's gone.

Wee, sat at a 5/10 table for the first time. Will stay one orbit ($25). Doubt I get a 20BB hand in that time. Ooh, AQo UTG. Normally a fold but I raise and win the blinds. Net -$10 at 5/10.

Get AKo on my last orbit, get called in 3 places. Ugh. I normally cbet this QJx FD flop but 4way? I check flop, one of the blinds leads the turn. Hope you wasted a set, fucker.

I'm sure I'm down on the day but I don't give a shit anymore, I'm going to bed.