
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Feel the fours

Finally flop a set at 400NL and get action. ~$400 in 40 minutes, woot. I played it softly too but still mangaged to get most of my stack in. He had QQ :) Fours are my second most profitable hand this month.

Action: Two limpers, I limp after, SB raises to $24, folds to me. Flop: 472r. SB bets $61 and I call because 1) the flop is dry and I can slowplay & 2) raising here makes my hand quite transparent. Turn: King. SB checks and I realise that I may have made a mistake. He doesn't like that King one bit. I bet $80 into $183 to convince him to call). River: Six. Check, I bet $200 into $346. The table averages were covering my stack size but I only had $30 left anyway. He calls :))

Things for me to take from this hand: Overcards can kill your action if you decide to slowplay and raises that originate from the blinds when there are a limpers have fantastic implied odds. The latter point is something I've been working on. At lower limits seeing the flop with every PP is essential, calling every raise is mandatory. Against more aggressive opponents, this is not so. If you have limped a PP from EP calling the buttons blind steal does not offer you good implied odds. Likewise, calling someone with a ~20% PFR is no good. However, when the action dictates that the PFR is not raising light, I must call.

Actually, there are a whole number of things I need to add to my game. Yes, yes, I try to minimise variance (HAHA) but such a nittish style is not optimal...and maybe not even profitable at higher limits.