
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



In what has become a painful standard happening, I make a good enough second best hand to call down 50BBs with at 400NL. Of course, while I had flopped trips, my opponent had also flopped them. His kicker was better.

Oooh, AKo, watch me miss a flop. Oh, better than that. TPTK with nut redraw v. flopped flush. I don't improve, of course. Bye 100BB...at 400NL, which I can't really afford. Turns my winrate at 200NL to nothing.

Here's some strategy: Play any two against my raises and you'll win. Suited, connected, high card -- any property will do.

Ugh, I thought my 4 boat outs would improve my equity but I was only 25% on the turn. 25% I could have done with. 31.5% on the flop. Meh, the best flopped hand won. Me: "I need to find a gun". Exeunt left. Maybe I'll see a thread in BBV about the tard who stacked off with top two + nut redraw. Of course, I go broke with KK there all day probably.