
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


No skill

Poker is not a game of skill. Poker is a game of consistently calling with the worst hand and getting lucky. I see AA UTG. I say out loud: "How will I lose a big pot with AA today?". One caller, TAGfish 3bets OTB. 4bet to $88. TAGfish calls. Flop is Qxx. I open push saying merry christmas QQ. He flips QQ. Doesn't actually matter if he has KK there since a King fell on the turn. "you had the implied odds, obv."

I regret not pushing preflop. Sure, him calling there is giving me money...long term. Some flops he's folding (AKx), most he's not. I hate poker. Getting close to busto for real.

Other exciting hands: Anytime I 3bet AK/AQ and flop an Ace, no action. Any time I don't flop an Ace, instacrai.

Bad plays today: Call a shortstacks $40 bet on the river w/ 77 on 6QQQ8 board. Um, he called preflop without 3betting. He either has a Queen or nothing. There's a whole lot more nothing. Quads are good, obv.

Turn a set, get c/raised on the river. Board was Kx98J. Really, you called my turn bet with a gutshot? You can't have two pair? No, of course you can't. Cards that hit the OESD I was prepared to fold if raised. Cards that hit a fucking gutshot & get minraised? Oh, obviously such a terrible call. Mea culpa.

So...estimated money lost to bad play: $400-500. Everything else is full tilt bullshit. Actually, I can't say it has anything to do with the site (although the two one-outers are kind of special). Just poker, and god do I hate poker.

I will not be playing tomorrow. Maybe not for the rest of the week.

Watching Babel. Moroccan buys a rifle with bullets for $120. I wish it was that cheap here. As is, I'm going to have to buy some fucking climbing rope since I don't think the length I pilfered is long enough to provide a 10 foot drop.

Oh, my Wii order has been removed from ebay for policy violations. Dude is a powerseller with 3.8k rating and 99.4% positive feedback. I checked the transaction history before I bought it and there were over 10 other orders.

I'm not that worried. He's now listing some more now, for £125 more than I payed. Also, there's a website. Hopefully I haven't been reamed. Will phone tomorrow if I don't get an email.