
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Fold, one time

God fucking damnit. No one will fold anything on the flop. AJo on a K9x board, c/c. What? Somehow my 9 is goot. 36o on a 35xboard. Bottom pair is an autocall, oh, you turned a higher two pair to bad beat my 35 BB special. Great. Oh, I'm on quasi-tilt and push AKo some the SB, okay, thanks for calling with AQs. Somehow I win this coinflip. KEEP CALLING YOU FRAKING MORONS.

And the bastard that stacked me: A6o in the BB. SB limps, I let him. Flop is A65, he donks, I raise. He calls. Turn is a 7. Frak! I bet $20, he check/minraises me. Oh fuck, well, I'm getting good odds. River is a 6, shipit? He pushes. Um. Fuck. He has a 3.0 river aggression factor. Likely hands are: Straight (meh, maybe), 56, 76, & 55. I don't see him having AA here at all. And how the fuck does he get to the turn with 77? Well, guess what, 77 on a A65 is an autocall of a raise. And, oops! I hit a two outer is just icing. I don't think he was going for the two outer, more likely the runner-runner straight. So, yeah, I'm fucking sick after that hand.

And earlier, I was ended up folding AA-QQ all over on one table. By the end of it, I was bluffed off KK by someone with a one-card gutshot OOP on a straightening board. EXPERT.

Fun times: All-in with AK pf and being ahead. Stacking QJo on a QxxA board. He pushed over my turn bet, I wasn't sure I was ahead but TPTK+NFD is generally good enough unless he has a set.

I feel I played good, even when I went on 'tilt' by pushing AK pf I was getting money in ahead (surprisingly). Fucking morons calling/sucking out/outflopping with ATC takes its toll on my fragile psyche.

Lessons learned? SD 25-30% of your hands and you'll be a big winner in unlimited texas nofoldem since you'll suck out/have the best hand ~50% of the time anyway. Sucking out and having the best hand are the same thing, really. You know. See, I'm up 300BB and all I do is limp in and showdown any pair. Sometimes I get lucky and beat a rocks overpair by calling two PSBs with bottom pair. This game is about luck, init?