
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Watched the animated Riddick thing. Rubbish. Watching Chronicles too, even though, it's rubbish too.

PLOL. Getting sick of AAxx NEVER being playable past the flop. I think I need to check every flop that isn't HU since it is entirely a bluff. KK55ds did better. Flopped set of 5s with FD.

Folded KKAx on AKxJ board in 3bet pot. I thought it likely that he had AA but now I kind of regret the fold. He could easily have had some combo draw with QQJx/JJQx or something. Enough to make getting all-in on the flop 'okay' if not great. Especially 4 handed, especially since I have an Ace.

Fuck today. Nothing works. PLOL is a fucking joke, raising AAds as a pot sweetner for whatever pissant flops a straight/set to get it all-in with someone elses set/two pair. FUN FUN FUN. I hate holdem too. AA UTG (OF COURSE), inconspicuous FD flop with a 6 on it, I pot, he calls. Turn is an 8 that makes no straights or anything. I check, shortstack pushes, I instacall. 68o FTW. I flopped a set in omaha, HU after the flop. 3 to a straight on the turn. Of course this being HU he has to have the straight. Can't have two pair, can't have underset, can't have missed FD. No, when it's HU he has to have 2nd nuts always.

3bet AK in position constantly, constantly miss every flop. ACE-HIGH IS THE NUTS, YO. I am not 3beting AK again at 1/2NL and below. WTF is the point. "AK misses so often that you have to reraise to take the initiative". FRAK THAT. There are two flops that I find AKo profitable on: JQT & AAK. Kxx SUCKS because they always have AA/KK/twopair/set/straight. Axx SUCKS for the same reasons. AKx SUCKS too. AK is a very, very small pot hand for me. It never wins more than ~25BB and yet I pump the pot with it preflop with 3bets. Good idea, chump. My idea of a good time is floping TPTK and having everyone else fold. As for retaking the initiative...well, if they folded to a cbet in a 3bet pot than MAYBE that would work. If they didn't lead into me in a 3bet pot maybe that would work. BUT obviously those things don't happen.

Also, obviously those things don't happen when I do have KK+ unless they have me crushed. Or they're going to expertly outdraw me on the turn.

Based on evidence to date, I am not a winning player. My job sucks. My life sucks. Things aren't getting better. Good thing I'm getting a euthanasia device as a back up plan. Frak the back up, though. Unless I make $100k+ in the next six months or so (which is kind of unlikely with my winrate) nothing will be any different.

Oh, I mean I have won some money through poker. Slowly built a bankroll. ~$10k in one year is hardly an achivement. Good players make that much a month.

And this isn't whining "why do they never fold!!!" because obviously good players deal with this shit. Sometimes they make them fold by multi barrelling 9-high or whatever. Sometimes it works.

*Whine* but whenever I multi barrel it's a no brainer call for them with any pair. Plus, frequently they improve to two pair which means they'll never fold.

By definition a winning player wins large pots than he loses. I have been winning very small pots, occassionally, when someone lets me. I have been losing pots the same size or bigger when they don't. It's that simple.

In a nutshell, I've been raising 22-TT, losing the pot almost every time I miss my set and winning nothing when I do. CARDS IS FUN.

Think I might move down and just start raising/3betting every flop where I have Ace-high. Message: You have a pair? Okay, want to play for your stack?

That's what Grimstar does...