
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Trip report

Fucking hitting trips out of the BB sucks. Lost ~$50 altogether tonight doing that. First one, flop an 8 with 86s, turn another 8. I really don't beat that many other 8's but I call his river bet anyway. He flopped two pair w/ 84 and turned a boat. I beat 85, 83, & 82 + higher two pairs. Should have, could have folded. AND THEN, flop 99x, river comes runner-runner hearts, SS moves in for $20 more on the river. Oh boy, well, I call. Flush on paired board is good.

But then a few things go right. KK OTB, get 3bet (HURRAY!), call. Call flop bet, he checks to me on the turn, I bet $80 or something, he folds. Mkay, I don't think you're folding a pair so I should have pushed to make it slightly more suspicious. Or pushed flop. KK wins me more monies at 2/4 when I get it in the BB and 3bet UTG and callers 5 handed. $140 on the flop and I hope he pushes. QQ loses money earlier when I get 3bet with QQ and check a Ace-high monotone heart flop. Sure I have Queen of hearts. He pots it when a Jack falls on the turn. Hmmm, well, the only hand I was beating got there too so BYE. Next hand I raise something crap like AK UTG and bet potted into out of the blinds too. I sit out.

I make use of my tight image to triple barrel my whiffed FD. IT WORKS, holy smeg.

I out flop someone set vs. top two on drawy board. YESH.

Flopped a set against a regular on rainbow board. I take a different line, call flop, call turn, bet river. Should have potted river even though a BDFD got there. He knows I can't have that but w/e. Good thing is I seem to be able to bluff cheaper instead of potting it. I guess the downside to that is potting river with strong hands is also ruled out.