
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Still hate shortstacks

OMG, do I ever. 99, raise, undercard flop with 2 clubs. I cbet, he pushes for $10 more, of course I'm calling. K3 of clubs. Club on the turn, club on the river for good measure. Yawn. Marginally +EV for me. Probably fold preflop.

And then, AQ in the CO, raise, 'pro' shortstack (as if anyone is a pro shortstacking 1/2nl) pushes OTB, I call because I hate shortstacks and will take a coinflip. He shows AA, of course.

Fun way to drop $80. Brag: It's only $80 to these annoying fucks.

Yeah, the AQs might be a fold since he's pushing with SB, BB, & limper to act before me. Oh, someone else says "In a vacuum, 77+/AQ+". Maybe I shouldn't feel so bad about the call.