
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


First post

So, first of the month. Time to review last months playing. Cursory glance shows that I will not be playing tonight at all. I thought I was doing better than break-even but I am not. And I need to be brutally honest because if I can't be realistic with myself then there is no point.

200NL: 2PTBB. 400NL: -$1k.

One of these tilts me, the other doesn't. Guess which.

Yes, that's right, it's the abysmal winrate over a significant sample that shows that I am not a good player. That tilts me, losing 4 buyins at 400NL over 1400 hands doesn't. So let's concentrate on 200NL.

First, my stats are an unhealthy 12.5/7.5/4.3. Need to work on those VPIP/PFR numbers. Dan Bright claims to be quite nitty UTG/UTG+1/blinds but much looser in position, obviously. Anway, hand review.


  1. AA in the SB vs. BB, I pot flop, turn makes flush. I bet again & I check/call river. I think river might be a check fold after he calls the turn. What's he betting on a K4Q92 board that I beat when I check to him on the river?
  2. AA v. KK OOP. He 3bets me preflop OTB, maybe I should 4bet/push being OOP. King flops, I bet, he minraises, I push.
  3. Party hands. Nit flops a set in position, I bet flush turn, he checks behind on the river. Meh. Other one, loosey-goosey flops trips I push turn. I've talked about both of these before, they're not that interesting.

AKs is fine, healthy, healthy. AKo sucks.


  1. A lot of fold after flop/turns are costing me monies.
  2. Big one is TPTK v. combo draw OOP. Need to bet the flop. -$200
  3. Obvious two pair and I pay off PSB on the river w/ AQxJx board. What is he betting that I beat, other than a total bluff? -$80
  4. Owned in a reraised pot with Ace-high. So much for 3betting. Oh that happens twice for -$120.
  5. 99 calls me down two streets for -$60. I'm OOP.
  6. The most it has won me is +$57. Frak AKo.

Okay, this is a little tedious. Suffice to say, ATs+ are good. ATo+ aren't. Suited Aces also suck. A6s loses to middle set when I push TP+FD in a blind battle. -$200. I really have not won much with Axs, they just provide cover for my nittishness preflop. Hmm, A4s hit & won $110 with a flush draw. Miracles happen.

KK is semi-healthy. Worst loss is my 'thin call' on AJ3 against a shortstack. That is a mistake I have been harping on about but it won't be made again.

KQs sucks. KQo stacked two pair when I filled a gutshot on the turn v. minraise.

KJs sucks after losing a combo draw to two pair.

QQ sucks compared to KK/AA. Major loss is when I pushed it versus two pair.

JJ is actually more profitable and I don't play that for overpair value. Maybe because it never flops undercards?

JTs & JTo have hit some draws.

TT I made that awful play against AA. Also, funny hand I get called down by 99 & JTs (backdoor flushdraw which missed on the turn & backdoor straight draw). 9 on the river gives shortstack a set and makes floater nut straight. GREAT FLOP to call me on JTs, you fucking muppet. Made a great call against that aggro tard, though for +$200.

I'm getting bored/hungry. Low PPs and SCs seem to be +EV. Except 33 because I double barrelled it into a shortstack.

Looking at position stats, my VPIP is constant. This is terrible. I'm actually raising less on the button than UTG. WTF. Going to showdown 5% more UTG than anywhere else.

So lets look at someone elses stats. Subject is running at 9.5PTBB using a 20/16/5 style (although my sample only shows 4PTBB). Hmm, good, my AF numbers decrease rapidly by street and so do his. He is, however, twice as aggressive on the river.

He's given me a range and I'll just try and suck less with it.