
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



He seems to be the official unofficial OSx86 kernel guy. I don't know if this is a good or a bad thing.

Um, I played poker again. Not much happened. One thing of note is I cbet a shortstack and called with an underpair. Not the end of the world but still an annoying turn of events. I only cbet because I didn't see how short he actually was. This is my third session today. I might play a 4th. I should have played over 1000 hands today, maybe. I haven't checked pokertracker but it feels like I'm playing winning poker. Tried making video, didn't work. Dropped the framerate to 10fps now.

Played a 4th. No video, something was really lagging my computer. Um, outcome: Not so good. Don't think I won a hand, which is nice and quite typical. Memorable hand: Crazy LAG opens, I 3bet AQs OOP and he calls. Flop 568r, I bet, he calls. 4 on the turn, I check, he pushes. Possibly I had the best hand but I certainly can't call there. That was about it. Sometimes I raised and people would fold to cbets. Sometimes I raised and didn't cbet. Sometimes I raised and they didn't fold to cbets. Very dull. If I work out how to make a video without massive system slowdown (think restarting vmware or even rebooting), I will make one tomorrow. On that note, I watched LuckyChewy's CR video and thought it was pretty good. Even though I think his move with A9 against that guy was pretty ill-advised.

Just found this Natalie Portman rap on BoingBoing's best of 2006. Hilarious! "I wanna fuck you too!" Really? I'm so there!