
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Crap. Missing two Poes. That means...ugh. I know I'm missing three from the Cave of Ordeals. Fine. Should have 57 but oh no...55. Looking down the list, I am pretty sure I have them all...but well, I don't so that means rechecking every fucking one that I'm not 100% sure about. I'm not sure I got the 'rock formation' one on Snowpeak. Although, I think I may have gotten it on my initial ascent of the mountain.

100% list: 1-5, 9-20, 23, 36-40, 44-48, 50-60. It's possible I missed some in the never ending cave in Lake Hylia, Kakariko Village/Graveyard (nope, got them), or Hyrule Field (YESH, got 1! One more to go!). God, what a pain in the ass.

If I had been smart, I would have not killed any Poes in my completion of the main quest other than those that were essential (I think that's 5). Okay, found one of the missing two. Technically that's an improvement but it just makes tracking down the last one even more annoying.

Hooray, found it. That was incredibly lucky. Now only have the Cave of Ordeals to go.