
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



EHM, hello there! If you don't know what Ghastly's Comic is, well, it's not entirely hentai...

Unfortunately he's announced that it's dead. And he's now drawing Polly from his new comic topless...with a gun embedded in her thigh. At least he didn't draw her with a cock...

Oh, and according to Slashdot that link element should have a NSFW attribute. Also according to Slashdot, I probably am infected with Toxoplasma_gondii, which would actually explain a lot. Seriously, it's pretty likely that I did become infected since I used to love cats. As a teenager, I had a cat that slept on my bed. I definitely had the necessary contact. This sucks, brain parasites killed my IQ and my future.

Me and my brain parasites tried to play poker. I'm not sure which one of us deserves the blame for how badly that session went. Two hands stand out: I call a raise with KQs OOP (because I thought I good play it profitably). Hit a great flop (AT8) and lead. Turn throws up another club, I bet again, he calls. River is another club. I check, he checks behind with KJs. I think I'm recalling that hand correctly. I don't know HOW he checks behind there. Maybe I'm confused and I raised IP but I don't think so. Um, another KQ hand, I open, he calls JTxr flop. Aggro guy check/raises me pot. I call since I'm in position...Don't know about that. He bets the turn after it misses me. I think about shoving since he is so aggro and, later on, he donates money with, IIRC, ace-high against broadway (aggro might had A9, possibly a pair of aces).

So, yeah, it was a pretty terrible session. Especially on that table. I did cut it short. I intend to play another 3 or so sessions of similar length today. Maybe I will video one. In fact, I probably will just to test performance. Not sure if I can be bothered commentating.