
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


The busto ordeal

Whew! Scraped by the Cave of Ordeals. That thing is a freaking bitch. Very little health and a shitload of enemies. The three darknuts at the end were just a nightmare. I used up all my rupees with the magic armour. Had I not read about the bomb-arrow trick to knock armour off these guys from a distance, I certainly would never have made it. My technique, once they had lost their heavy armour, was to use a jump strike to close and make them drop their guard and then just slash at them. Trying to jump away before they counter. It's actually brutally effective against a single darknut but against more than one you often still take damage from the others.

But, by jove, I did it! So now, once I finish Hyrule Castle I will have absolutely completed the game. That's not to say I won't play it, especially since Mario64 is such a disappointment.