
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Killed some standy newbs tonight, dear readers (googlebot). Although, they really had no idea what 'standy' means, i.e. aiming (big) shots while motionless. It's the hallmark of a novice that they have to stop dead to try and hit the important shots. Of course, their comeback was to cry "standy!" whenever I killed them, despite the fact that I was obviously moving. Tsk.

Standy newbs don't really bother me. They're pathetically easy to kill when they stop dead and inch their crosshair towards you. Trouble is they have a tendency to camp, too, and I really hate campers.

I try and avoid standing as much as possible. Although, I think I still do it when I have to look up over 45 degrees. I also chase sometimes, it's true, and I do spawn rape out of necessity. When I don't I inevitably get chased to death (not that it doesn't happen anyway).

Got 14 humiliations pissing about, not all against fellow pugilists, either. Truthly, this was more of a passive-aggressive response to losing then anything else.

I need to work on controlling my mouth. That's my true enemy.


Fanboys, Lazyweb

I really don't understand why people suck jwz's cock so much. Not that I'm a jwz hater, mind, but I have no idea why people hang on his every word, either.

Anyway, as an alternative to fink or darwinports there's always good old pkgsrc -- which, from my experience, sounds far superior to any of the alternatives (TigerCow? lolle, no).



Spent a lot of time making an OSP stats shell script/awk program. Oh, that's useful...


It's meant to reject games where I did less than 6k damage (i.e. not a full game -- unfortunately there's no playing time recorded in the stats dumps), so how I ended up with a minimum score of 5 is beyond me. In other words, I only scored five points but dished out over 6k of damage (in theory that's 60 kills maximum). How odd (probably a bug :P).

I'm also getting owned on the humiliations (19 total, 8 in a single game) and the pineapples. Rockets are weaker than I'd like and I also thought rail would be higher (although the 102 kills [>20k damage] on Silly Railings is kind of nifty).

Plus, of course, I can't cap worth shit, but so it goes...