
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Lost 3 AK's (one suited) today, also lost with my pocket Aces to a straight (Jack-high, iirc). Which is nice...

I should have probably folded AA but the straight didn't complete to the river so stupidly I called. I had villain pegged as top-pair or two-pair since he was reraising me all the way through. My "Anna Kournikovas" -- looks great but doesn't win much -- kept missing the flop. I think I caught a pair of Kings on one but it lost to two-pair or something.

My KK did hold up despite constant re-raises. Flop wasn't scary (J97 rainbow, or something) but in the end I just called on the river since I think there was a possible flush. I'd already had bullets busted so even though I was 95% sure they had nothing I just couldn't bring my self to raise on the turn and the river. So effectively I lost some money on that hand too...

I need to get much better at this game -- and quickly too since work blows big time. My arm/hand still isn't right after my accident. The back of it is still numb which means the nerve is either trapped or damaged. But hey, I got paid a whole 9hrs as compensation for something that put me out of work for a week (should have been more but I can't afford it)!

I think my pre-flop game is alright but whereas I keep folding A4o other people play them to the river -- and win! It's most annoying. I bluff sometimes if I have a marginal or drawing hand and good position but these people play junk all the goddamn time. Maybe I've got it wrong and it's good to raise J7o UTG and hit 3 of a kind sevens on the river.

Maybe the limits I play are too low which encourages 'bad' play? Well, perhaps, but I watched a few hands of 50/100 limit and it was much the same. I'm going to have to double check that I'm doing the right thing by folding hands like Q3s & J4o...

To do: Sort my system out so that I can multi-table. I think part of the problem is I get bored folding all the time so when I do get a good hand or I decide to bluff with a not so good hand, I overplay it. I'm also considering moving up to bigger stakes but I'm not sure that's a great idea yet.


Comment #11 @ 17:21 GMT, 11 Nov 2005 (Reply)
By Unset Anonymous (81-86-205-46.dsl.pipex.com)
[Lost] 206 was kind of crap in that you got *'s backstory and now she's dead (possibly...probably)? Hopefully not but we'll have to wait two weeks because 207 is all about the tail-section survivors first 48 days on the island.
I've been pretty disappointed with Locke so far this season but Eko has made a good substitute (will be interesting to see what his backstory is).
I'd kind of like to know what happened to Desmond too but I doubt we'll find out for a while (if ever). I'd also like Ana-Lucia to eat a bullet. Michelle Rodiguez only ever plays one character :/
Pretty sure the 'Others' are Dharma researchers and their super-human powers could well have something to do with the Copenhagen interpretation of QM (as was postulated in some OT forum thread). Walt seems to possess whatever abilities they have and is valuable to them in some way (perhaps as a Messiah?).

From: (Anonymous) Date: November 11th, 2005 - 08:24 pm
Marry: Alba, definitely. Favourite of mine since she did Dark Angel. She might not be a rocketsurgeon or nuffin' but she's not that dumb. Did I mention she's hot? Well, like, she's hot and stuff!
Nail: Jolie, she's too goddamn crazy to have a relationship with. Super sexy but completely barmy.
Cliff: Cuthbert, cute but not in the same league as the other two so reluctantly I send her in to the abyss. Plus she was in 'House of Wax' which is reason enough, to be honest.
Sincerely, Your friendly neighbourhood Flying Spaghetti Monster.