
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



I quit. No more poker this week, I'm playing on some sort of extended tilt. Completely donkeying any and all hands. E.g. trying to bully pocket Sevens off a pot with AJo when I missed the flop completely, ended up all-in with Ace high. How utterly retarded. That's the worst NL play I've made to date. If I wanted to buy the pot I should have just gone all-in on the flop, otherwise fold. And being short staked I doubt he'd respect my all-in on that flop anyway. My read on him was right, though, but unfortunately he had position on me. Still, going all-in then might have made him hesitate (thinking I had a higher set) even if he had made his set. Limit: Called BB raise with A8s from late position, two aces on the flop. Ran into AKo of course (duh, he raised pre-flop). I wasn't paying attention, otherwise I'd have figured out he was trapping me (as I was trying to trap him).

Lost 13bb & a $15 buy-in.

I think I'm so anxious to win a hand, any hand that I'm making mistakes that I wouldn't make if I was detached. So no more poker until Sunday, when I can hopefully come back refreshed and respect the game. I may even drop down in stakes (limit, nl is fine) until I think I have the fundamentals down.

I'll just have to keep raping noobs in quake to make up for it. I just wish my ping was better in the evenings. Got pissed off with this shit, campy, chasy twat that I normally don't give a second thought to. But with my ping twice as high I really began to get pissed off with his chasing and spawn raping me. Normally I'd just cess the fuck to death or grab the nearest weapon but with the extra lag he had the better of me. Fortunately the map changed to one I'm much better on and I utterly anhiliated him without any effort. Still with double my normal ping. I'll be sure to take extra effort to chase and spawn rape the cunt when my ping is normal.

At least when I lose there it doesn't mean anything. Unfortunately, the reverse is also true :)