
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.


Dumb Things

Played while drinking alcohol. Consquently played LAG. Tightened up but lost my set (best flop I've seen in days) to A4s when the board flushed (I knew he had a flush but I gave him an additional 2bb; -EV). Couldn't lay down KK when the board paired so lost to K5o. Lost 2 bb playing KJs to quad Aces once it dawned on me that his raise with 3 Aces on the board might just mean he's got quads. Lost another 13 bb in total (mostly due to my early alcoholic betting spree).

I've done all those dumb things.

Sooo, let's see, I'm 39 in the hole since Saturday. It's like I'm intentionally trying to wipe out my bankroll (which has only been 200bb max, 150bb left). From now on, I will straighten up and fly right. Boredom be damned.

Because, you know, these tables although fustrating when it's fold-fold preflop, and then when you do catch a bit of the flop but don't have the nuts, fold again (well, I should fold when the part of my poker brain tells me that my hand is no longer good), they are mad profitable. I'm talking stupidly large pots for limit.

It's the crazies you see. They will pay you handsomely if you have the nuts (most of the time). They will re-raise your straight/flush/set/full-house with next to nothing all the way to the river, and if they have something, oh boy, they'll max out betting on every street. We're talking 30bb pots between 3/4 people (one with the nuts, two with very little)!

Things to note: Bluffs don't work against them because everybody calls. They'll bluff you if you're a tight player. They'll play any junk so long as it's suited for flush value. They'll play any face card (inc. the Ten in there) with any other junk. Sometimes they'll just play any junk (e.g. 62o). Every time the board gives something (a flush, a straight, a set), someone is bound to have something so your TPTK/Two pair/lower set is no longer good. When your TPTK becomes second pair on the turn/river, you've probably been sucked out.

Good I hate love this game.

Q3, because Q4 has Downs

Now Pipex (or possible Hurricane Electric) have fixed my routing issues, I'm once again playing great in Q3. If only I could play this game online for money. I know teams are uneven but that's because dodad and some other fella wanted to spec me. It's okay, I like it when they watch...

P.S. zomg, blogger lied to me, it didn't upload the image at all!!1