
pirates, robots, ninjas; supercowpowers, fugu & geckos; fish & chips.



Ha. Hahaha-ha. Destacked someone who was pissing me off to double up. On a previous hand my K9s hit the flop for a pair of 9's with no flush draw. I bet to protect, check the turn since it paired the board, bluffed on the river when an Ace came. Dick raised me so, reluctantly, I folded.

Dealt KQo on the button. 3BB raise. Flop 9h7cJh, giving me a gutshot. I bet 5BB hoping to take the pot there. Vilain and UTG calls. Turn is Td. Hahah. Check, check, I bet 11BB. UTG sensibly folds. Dick calls. River is the As making broadway, I bet 21BB, which is just over a third of the pot. I figured if I bet too much he'd just fold and I really wanted a call since I'm holding the nuts. He raises me to 42BB :) I reraise back for 63BB (should have just gone all-in here since I had nothing left). He puts the rest of his chips (50bb) in! I go all-in. He shows Q8s, straight 8 to Queen. I show KQo, straight Ten to Ace :D

Even without the Ace on the river, I was ahead all the way through. That'll teach him to be wary of 3 broadway cards on a board.

I quit soon after since, as someone else said, "There's 1150BB on this end of the table."

With that, I've recouped my trips vs. full-house loss. Just need to stay focused and tight, plugging away at these limits. Need to double my BR before I consider moving up. Also really need to setup 'jackjack', the poker vmware server :)